Finish the Damn Book!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at 11:07PM
Ardath Albee in Writing Life

I know it's been a while since I've updated the site and I apologize. I was...well, okay...wallowing.

I had done one revision, then was asked for a second one to infuse the style and voice I'd cut during the last revision to reduce word count. I did three chapters and then got feedback that it works and to complete the revisions and resend it.

You'd think I'd have been ecstatic, right? Well, I was. I'd finally nailed it. I could almost taste the delicious end to the process of writing a saleable book. Then my brain melted and I was traumatized by inertia. I couldn't get the revisions to move forward. My work life went nuts and my day job started encroaching on my nights, reducing the energy. My CA house is in the middle of renovations, driving my poor husband crazy, which makes me hyper and I've been traveling to work with clients more than ever.

Okay, done whining. A writing buddy sent me an email after I'd submitted yet another version of yet another scene for the umpteenth time on one of my critique loops that said, "Finish the Damn Book!" I'm so thankful. It was the swift kick I needed to keep going. Even if I only get one scene revised each day, it's progress. Heck, if I got a paragraph revised in one day it'd be progress.

This is the hard part of writing. I've got at least three stories in my head, driving me crazy trying to get my attention. And I really want to go play with them, get to know new characters and muddle in new plots and conflicts. I mean I really want to do that.

But I've got to finish the damn book. If I can't do that then I'll never get there. And I'm not willing for that to happen.

Another online group I belong to started a terrific discussion about beats and character arcs and that helps. They had gone quiet for a while and I didn't realize how much I missed the craft discussions - even if I only have time to lurk - I learn and I'm motivated and other's successes spur me on.

So, I'm back and I'm writing and it feels WONDERFUL!

Thanks for stopping by,



Article originally appeared on Ardath Albee | Writer (
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