Time to write
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at 11:05PM
Ardath Albee in Writing Life

March was a whirlwind month for me. A writing retreat and a conference that fired me up about my writing and then a work overload that left me scarce time to write.

But, that's life.

The trick for me is finding time to do everything I want to do. The hard part is that there are only so many hours in the day. But the upside is that although I haven't had much time to write, I've had a lot of time to think.

What else do you do on airplanes and when you find yourself stuck in the Denver International Airport twice in one month? Sheesh, it's starting to feel like a curse. And I love Colorado, but I don't have time.

Are you seeing a repetitive theme? Yeah, me too.

I need to get the style revisions done for the agent who requested them on In Pursuit of Caviar. I started them, got the first chapter done and then wondered if I was helping or hurting the writing. My head wasn't there. The girls locked the door to the basement and nothing felt right.

Last night, a very successful woman, a client actually, sent me some of her first romance novel. Her voice came off the page in waves of emotion and reminded me the power of writing. Of sitting down and getting it done. Butt in chair time.

I'm working on Caviar today, for the first time in a few weeks and it feels good. It's flowing and once again I can feel my voice finding it's legs. I'm determined. I'll make it through the revisions.

Now that I'm making the time and just letting it come.

Thanks for stopping by. Happy writing!


Article originally appeared on Ardath Albee | Writer (http://www.ardathalbee.com/).
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